Monday, September 9, 2024

Mark Your Calendars For Our Halloween Trivia Night

We are super excited to announce we will be hosting another Halloween Trivia Night this year to benefit our library.  

Last year, there were 81 people in attendance and we are looking forward to a great turnout again this year.

Tuesday, October 22
6:30 p.m.
Westmoreland High School cafeteria

There will be a cash prize for the winning team. 
Door prizes will be given.
Light concessions will be available. 

Until then, keep reading!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Parent Tech Help

Hey, Parents!  Are you being driven crazy at home trying to monitor your child's use of their school-issued iPad?  If so, there's an app that will help with that. ScreenGuide is an Apple app that lets you manage your student's iPad outside of school hours.

Click HERE for a website with the how-tos of ScreenGuide plus so much more. This resource was put together for you by your Sumner County Schools' Librarians.