Wednesday, August 22, 2012


It's good to finally be back in school.  I look forward to seeing each of our students as they visit the library this year, whether it be with their reading classes to check out books, with some other class to do research, or just on their own for a little independent reading (which is ALWAYS great to see).

You should have received an informational brochure on registration night concerning the library.  If you did not and have questions please feel free to call or email me at the school.

Also, I'd like to say thank you to those who have sent in items on our wish list.  We have received several bottles of hand sanitizer which should be enough for the year and also several pencils and Kleenex, but if you have extra packages of new pencils or boxes of Kleenex we could always use more.  Thank you again so much.

W I S H   L I S T


New pencils