Can you believe we are already at the end of another year of school? Time flies when you're having fun. Hopefully, the summer won't fly by and we'll be able to fully enjoy it.
During the summer it's also important to keep your reading skills sharp. As an incentive for you do get a little reading in, we are sponsoring another Summer Reading BINGO program. 6th and 7th grade ELA teachers will be passing out the BINGO paper shown in the photograph today. Return these to the library by August 10, 2022 and you will earn coupons for lots of freebies (ice cream, homework passes, hat day, etc.) and be entered into a grade level drawing for a grand prize!
If you lose your paper, just zoom in on the picture to see what to read, and you can get another paper from me when we return in August.
Have a wonderfully fun, relaxing and safe summer!
Happy Reading!