Friday, March 20, 2009

As If You Could Forget...

No doubt many girl fanpires here at WMS will be headed out tomorrow to buy their very own copy of Twilight. The DVD version based on the uber-poplular Stephenie Meyer novel goes on sale Saturday, March 21. But with some stores in our area staying open late and selling the movie beginning at midnight many 'tweens, teens, and, yes, even teachers will not have to wait even that long to get their Twilight fix. My own daughter currently has plans that include a late night trip down the road.

Some participating stores hosting events of which I'm aware include Walmart (naturally), Hot Topic (in the mall), and Borders Books (West End - Nashville).

Of course, if you've not read the books and want to see what the hullabaloo is all about you need to look no further than our library. Stop by and we'll be glad to check one of the books out to you.


New Moon


Breaking Dawn

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