Thursday, August 13, 2009

TRAILS Information Literacy Screenings

This first full week of school has been a very busy time in the library as students have been participating in for real-time assessment of information literacy skills. By week's end each of our reading classes will have been able to visit the computer lab to take this on-line test (Ms. Goad has had to reschedule classes due to computer glitches on her day to come).

TRAILS tests participants over...
  • topic development
  • identifying potential sources
  • developing, using, and revising search strategies
  • evaluating sources and information
  • recognizing how to use information responsibly, ethically, and legally

The skills assessed through TRAILS correlate nicely to Tennessee's research standards for middle school language arts.

Accessing your child's test/score...

By Monday, August 17 students (except Ms. Goad's reading classes) will receive a score slip. If you would like to take a look at their test you may do so by visiting the website listed on their score slip and log in using their personal code, which is also listed.

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